Alice Chong
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons)
Registered Physiotherapist
Emmet Technique Full Practitioner
Certified Kinesio Taping Practitioner (CKTP)
Functional Integrated Dry Needling Practitioner (FIND)
STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor (all equipment)
Total Barre Certified Instructor
Certified Progressive Ballet Technique Instructor
Alice Chong was one of the pioneer Bachelor of Physiotherapy graduates from University of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia. There, a lecturer once said to her, “We physiotherapists are Movement Specialists”. These simple words were so inspirational that Alice was determined to become one herself. A true MOVEMENT SPECIALIST.
Alice then decided to go beyond being just a physiotherapist after her degree years. She wanted to excel and be different. So, she worked her way through to be certified as a STOTT PILATES® instructor and integrated this role with her primary profession. Her decision was proven right when she started to witness overwhelmingly positive results in all her musculoskeletal cases within a short period of time.
Along her unconventional career pathway, Alice swiftly picked up other manual therapeutic methods to complement her practice. They further sharpened her observation and perfected her clinical skills in a spectacular way. Her distinctive treatment approach brought her many referrals, including athletes such as figure ice-skaters, runners, marathoners, triathletes, footballers, basketballers, tennis players, badminton players, golfers, cyclists, windsurfers, dancers, and so on.
According to these clients, she has ‘X-ray Eyes’ that can detect all movement defects and “Magic Hands” that fix them quickly. Nothing brings more joy to her than being able to journey with her clients out of their valley of injury back into competitive sports, except, of course, when they proudly reported to her after breaking one personal record after another.
Alice never stops learning to be the best physiotherapist-Pilates instructor hybrid. In her leisure time, she pursues her passion in dancing, that she started since 5. Now, she is more into Latin and Ballroom dances. Dancing helps her experience fast movement transition and internalise proper core engagement, allowing her to practise what she preaches.